You have ideas in your head that will help the company or even your personal growth. But, you don’t speak good English. Or, your English is too easy. Then, you find it hard to explain some things.
You have been appointed as one of the execs in the upcoming project. It’s a good chance to show off your skills. But, in the short meeting, you cannot clearly understand the tasks assigned to you. You don’t know all the important information that you need to understand. And, in the end, you get confused. Things can get easier and smooth in your career when you have quality English language skills to communicate better, please visit VI Academy English Language Intensive Course which can help you alot to improve your speaking and communicating skills. VI Academy is located near KLCC, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia. You can find location of VI Academy here in these videos or visit our video gallery to view more videos with valuable information
Setting realistic targets and goals
When you begin to learn English fluently, it’s important to set goals and objectives that you can reach. SMART goals are a great way to set a goal and be measurable. For example:
Learn English
Explain situations
Listen to foreign colleagues at work

Next, you need to set a realistic goal. If you have a lot of work to do and only a few hours to spend on your studies, you should set small goals. For example, you should aim to spend 20 minutes listening to a podcast on Spotify/YouTube. You should also aim to read 2 English articles on an English blog.
In addition, you’ll need to ask yourself: Does this goal relate to my current situation?
How can I learn different phrases to help me prepare for a presentation at work?
Finally, set a timeline for your objectives:
· Learn 5 phrases daily from January through October