English idioms for everyday discourse

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Following a conversation is one of the most challenging aspects of learning a new language. particularly when words are used as abbreviations for meaning.

What would you think, for instance, if a friend wanted to “chew the fat” over coffee? Would you anticipate eating a chunk of fat for lunch? You shouldn’t be alarmed; the other individual employed an idiom.

An idiom is:

“A collection of words (or a phrase) with a meaning distinct from each word alone (e.g., over the moon, see the light).”

An estimated 25,000 idioms exist in the English language. Although this may seem overwhelming, you will quickly discover the most typical ones. And your confidence in using them in a conversation grows.

In English, it is nearly hard to have a discussion without using an idiom. They spark the imagination and provide a quick route to significance. Without providing a complete definition, they let you express meaning, a concept, or an emotion. They have a wealth of discussion topics because of this.

Ask your acquaintance whether they want to “chew the fat” or “put the world to rights” the next time you ask to meet them for a conversation at a coffee shop. You’re letting them know that you’d like to discuss something significant. that you are thinking about and have opinions on the topic you wish to discuss.

Sharing your own news with someone

I’ll tell you a story or I have one for you to hear:

Use: I’d like to tell you a story, so come have lunch with me!

Meaning: You would like to convey some fascinating news. It is the foundation of friendship.

To sum up a lengthy tale:

Use: Last night, when we went to a restaurant together, we decided—to make a long tale short—that

Interpretation: To reduce a lengthy explanation to a brief one.

To put it briefly:

Use: The manager and I had a meeting to talk about a few topics, and he basically agreed with me.
Meaning: Said in a nutshell. An additional technique for cutting a lengthy explanation into a considerably shorter one.
Let me just get this out of the way:
Use: I needed to talk to her about something yesterday, so we had a brief conversation. Or I needed to vent about something.
Meaning: To express something that has been on your mind for a while. It feels good to be done, and you feel relieved.

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VI Academy British English Language Centre in Malaysia

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